
  • Sunrise Saloon and Casino

    1101 Strand Avenue
    Missoula, MT 59801


    Call Us
    Phone: (406) 728-1559

    Mon: 8AM - 2AM
    Tue: 8AM - 2AM
    Wed: 8AM - 2AM
    Thu: 8AM - 2AM
    Fri: 8AM - 2AM
    Sat: 8AM - 2AM
    Sun: 8AM - 2AM

Find a Country Music Venue in Missoula, MT

Contact Sunrise Saloon and Casino today

Looking for a fun way to spend your weekend? Stop by Sunrise Saloon and Casino in Missoula, MT for country music and casino games. We also have morning and evening happy hours.

To send us a message, please use the form on this page. We look forward to hearing from you.